How I work
Tools for Transformation
While I bring the entire breadth and depth of my diverse training and background to the needs of my clients, the primary transformational modalities that I use in my work are Transformational NLP, VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing, and Family Constellations. Each of these tools is, in and of themselves, amazingly powerful and work incredibly deeply. In combination, magical results are commonplace.
Transformational NLPImagine if you could begin to notice the unconscious beliefs and behavioral patterns that are running all the time, outside of your conscious awareness, which condition and determine your experience of yourself and others. Now imagine having a couple hours of structured conversation that quickly and elegantly revise and update those patterns to more closely align with what YOU want. In a nutshell, that is what NLP is.
To say it in more detail, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, is an amazingly rich and complex set of distinctions that beautifully and powerfully describe how human beings create their experience of themselves and the world. These distinctions then serve as the foundation for very powerful "change patterns," which allow for the revision or "re-programming" of a person's experience. In addition, the particular "lineage" of NLP that I've trained in at NLP Marin ( is unique in several ways:
VortexHealing® Divine Energy HealingEnergy healing, in general, refers to healing and transformation that is facilitated purely, or primarily, by energy, meaning without the use of needles, drugs, or other types of physical intervention. VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing is an extraordinarily powerful type of energy healing that utilizes Divine Light and Divine Consciousness to heal, energize, and transform on all levels, including the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and, most importantly, karmic.
How is VortexHealing® different than other types of energy healing? Most forms of energy healing, such as Reiki, use the energy of manifested life to facilitate healing. Some types of energy healing make use of divine energy, which is sourced directly from Divinity, "outside" of manifested creation. Typically, these energy healing modalities only make use of a single type, or frequency, of divine energy. However, VortexHealing® makes use of at least 49 different types of Divine Light/Energy to facilitate healing and transformation. In addition, VortexHealing® also utilizes Divine Consciousness as part of how it heals and transforms. The reason why this matters is because, from the Vortex point of view, all disease (whether physical, emotional, or spiritual) is, in some way, a result, or manifestation, of separation consciousness. Accordingly, while divine light and energy can do a lot in the way of clearing and energizing, the deepest level of healing occurs when that root separation consciousness is transformed and released, facilitating a deeper, more direct, connection with Source. However, only consciousness that is not operating from separation, i.e. Divine Consciousness, can transform separation consciousness back into Source. This is what sets VortexHealing® apart from all other types of energy healing of which I am aware. So, what does all of that mean and why do I utilize VortexHealing® in my work? While VortexHealing® can do incredible healing on the physical level, it is, in my experience, unique in how it can utterly transform our internal experience of ourselves and the world around us, by working on our karmic conditioning, which is the residual separation consciousness that is held in various levels of our energy system and psyche. Often a single VortexHealing® session will bring about a profound shift in a person's experience, in ways that nothing else has previously been able to do. It is for this reason that I utilize VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing in my work with clients. |
Family ConstellationsFamily Constellations are a wholly unique and powerful way to approach change and transformation. They provide a way of modeling the unconscious dynamics at work in any human system, whether it be an individual, a family, or an organization. They are particularly well suited to mapping and transforming the largely unconscious emotional and spiritual entanglements that are transgenerational in nature. The process by which this is possible is not fully understood, given a strict Newtonian view of the universe. What follows is an attempt at articulating an explanatory hypothesis for how and why they work.
There’s a level where we are all connected, beyond space and time. At the level of physics, you could say that it happens via the quantum mechanical Zero Point Field, basically the substrate of all reality. (See Lynn McTaggart’s book “The Field” for an excellent introduction for the layperson.) At the level of the human being, this concept of the field gives us a context for understanding how it is that we are all connected to, and affected by, those around us, especially our family of origin. This field of interconnected consciousness and awareness is like a river of water that we, as individual human beings, float upon and navigate, as was we go through life. Now, if we place a large rock, or boulder, in the river it will impact the flow of water. Sometimes the effects of that blockage may show up quite a bit downstream, in the form of eddies that deposit silt in certain patterns along the bank. Those patterns along the riverbank will then have further effects downstream. You may not see, or even be aware of, the rocks upstream, but you will see and be impacted by its effects downstream. The flow of love in our family system of origin is much like a stream. Distortions in the flow of love in our family, upstream from us (i.e. in the lives of our ancestors), can have profound, and often unrecognized, effects on us, their descendants. For instance, say someone in your family’s past had a great fortune that, through some seeming quirk of fate, was lost or squandered. Say that that person was then rejected or shunned from the family, as a result. One of the “rules” of family systems is that they value connection and inclusion above all else, despite what the individuals in that system think or feel about that idea. So that person’s exclusion then becomes a "rock," which blocks or impedes the flow of love within the family system. Generations later someone might, quite unconsciously, become “entangled” with that ancestor. What that means is that they unconsciously identify with the person who’s been excluded, in an attempt to bring that person back into connection with the family system. This is what the system, the “family soul,” wants. And so, that descendant becomes the vehicle through which that attempted re-connection occurs. The way this might play out in someone’s life is that that they go through waves of success, followed by periods where they lose the gains they have made. And, even more maddening, they don’t really know why they do this, why this is “happening to” them. This is just one example. But the principle is the same. Family constellations are a way to unveil these largely unconscious patterns and dynamics. Moreover, they provide a format for transforming and resolving these distortions in a way that, ideally, restores the flow of love in the family system. The impact of working on this level can be incredibly deep, and continues to unfold after the "end" of the constellation proper. |